Founding Member and Head Researcher
Tommy Myung Geun Song is an aspiring public historian and public defender. He launched the CUHJI and the broader Campus Historical Justice Initiatives to help resist historical amnesia in universities and beyond. He is pursuing his Ph.D in history at Yale University.
Founding Member and Web Developer
Donovan Simpson is a musician, producer, and a software engineer. He helped launch the Columbia University History Tour Initiative (what became the current CUHJI) in 2018. He graduated from Columbia College in 2020 and runs a recording studio in Brooklyn, New York.
Ahmad Rahman graduated from New York University in 2021 with a degree in mathematics and economics. He is a research scholar at the Federal Reserve Board. He is currently part of the team working on launching NYU Historical Justice Initiative.
Web Developer
Lalitha Madduri is a software engineer and a multimedia designer with an interest in developing for web accessibility. She graduated from Columbia University in 2021 with a degree in computer science.